Stoner Baby Cash cards are an easy way to manage the expenses of running your business. When you set up your Stoner Baby Cash account, your virtual card is automatically activated. If you have multiple accounts set up for Stoner Baby Cash, then you can only get a card for the main account.

Stoner Baby doesn't charge any fees for using your Stoner Baby Cash card, but ATM provider fees may apply. You can find more information about fees in your Terms of Service.

Note: If you have any questions or feedback about your Stoner Baby Cash card, contact Stoner Baby Support.

Setting up a physical Stoner Baby Cash card

When you create your Stoner Baby Cash account, your virtual card is automatically activated. If you want a physical card, you can request one from Stoner Baby.

Note: There's a limit of one virtual card and one physical card per account.

Request a physical Stoner Baby Cash card

You can request a physical card for your Stoner Baby Cash account.


Optional: Customize your Cash card by adding your business name.

Note: Your business name will be reviewed before it is added to your Cash card. It cannot include copyright infringement, profanity, violence, or explicit content. If your business name is not approved, your card will be canceled. Then you can request another card and skip customization to request a blank card.

After you order your physical card, you can access your card's delivery status and estimated delivery date by going to Finances > Cash, selecting your main account, and then clicking the physical card under Your Cash cards.

For security reasons, you might receive a prompt to authenticate your account again.

Reorder a physical Stoner Baby Cash card that wasn't delivered

If you have requested a physical card for your Stoner Baby Cash account and there's an issue with the card being delivered, then you can order a new card.

Before you request a new card, review your card's delivery status and estimated delivery date by going to Finances > Cash, selecting your main account, and then clicking the physical card under Your Cash cards. Verify that your shipping details are correct when you request a new card.


Your undelivered card is canceled, and then a new card is shipped to you.

Activate a physical Stoner Baby Cash card

After you have received your Stoner Baby Cash card in the mail, you need to activate it before you can use it. To begin the process, you can scan the QR code on your package or go to your Stoner Baby Cash Account admin.

Note: If you change the phone number associated with your card, then you must wait 24 hours before you can activate your card.


Managing a Stoner Baby Cash card

You can view Stoner Baby Cash card details, lock your cards, reset your PIN, and more by going to Finances > Cash and then clicking your virtual or physical card.

View card information

You can view your virtual or physical card information, such as the card number or cardholder details.

For security reasons, you might receive a prompt to authenticate your account again.


Link your Stoner Baby Cash card to an Apple or Google wallet

You can add your virtual or physical Stoner Baby Cash card to Apple Wallet or Google Pay.

Add your virtual or physical Stoner Baby Cash card to Apple Wallet or Google Pay using your Cash card numbers. To find your Cash card numbers, go to your Stoner Baby Cash page, click on your main account, and then click on the card that you want to link. Refer to Apple Wallet or Google Pay for the appropriate steps.

Replace your Stoner Baby Cash card

Ordering a replacement card will cancel your current Stoner Baby Cash card. Your new Stoner Baby Cash card ships within eight business days and is sent through standard shipping.


For security reasons, you might receive a prompt to authenticate your account again.

Reset your Stoner Baby Cash card PIN

You can reset your card's PIN.

Note: If you change the phone number associated with your card, then you must wait 24 hours before you can change your PIN.


Lock your Stoner Baby Cash card

If your Stoner Baby Cash card is lost or stolen, then you need to lock it so that no one else can use it.

For security reasons, you might receive a prompt to authenticate your account again.


You can unlock your Stoner Baby Cash card by clicking Unlock card and then clicking Unlock card again on the Stoner Baby Cash card page in your Stoner Baby Cash Account admin.

Dispute a charge

You can dispute a charge on your Stoner Baby Cash card for the following reasons:

- Fraudulent

- Not received

- Duplicate

- Merchandise not as described

- Service not as described

- Canceled

- Other reasons

Contact support to dispute a charge on your Stoner Baby Cash card. When you speak with support, provide as much evidence and information as possible.

Updating your cardholder details

You can update your Stoner Baby Cash cardholder details, including your billing address and phone number, in your Stoner Baby Cash account.

If you have a physical card as well as a virtual card, then any changes that you make apply to both cards.


Note: Changing your Cash card billing address won't update your registered business address. To update your registered business address, contact Stoner Baby Support.

Set your Stoner Baby Cash card as your primary payment method

You can use your Stoner Baby Cash virtual or physical card to pay for your Stoner Baby bill and purchases. If you use your Stoner Baby Cash virtual card, then you won't have to enter any card details. Instead, select your Stoner Baby Cash virtual card as your preferred payment method.

Note: You must have a physical or virtual Stoner Baby Cash card as your primary payment method card to be eligible for cashback rewards.


Visa benefits available with your Stoner Baby Cash card

Your Stoner Baby Cash card gives you access to the following Visa card benefits:

- Auto rental coverage for damage due to collision or theft

- Roadside assistance

- Travel and emergency assistance service

- Cardholder Inquiry Service

- Emergency card and cash disbursement

- Lost or stolen card reporting

Learn more about Visa benefits.